How To Drive Engagement With Email Marketing

How To Drive Engagement With Email Marketing

Do you remember the Meg Ryan-Tom Hanks movie ‘You’ve Got Mail’? The closest cousin of the original mail, email is something that’ often overlooked with the plethora of social channels. With fb posts, tweets, hashtags, online chats, selfies, web design, PPC...
How To Get Traction For Your Business

How To Get Traction For Your Business

Unique idea. Check. Business Plan. Check. Team Hiring. Check. Execution. Check. If you think this was the recipe for success for your start-up, you are in for a rude shock. You may have the best ideas coupled with the best team working to create a great product, if...
Tips For Powerful Email Marketing Strategy

Tips For Powerful Email Marketing Strategy

The amount of buzz generated by the death hoax of email marketing will put any celebrity’s public relations agency to shame. However, contrary to the grapevine, email marketing is not dead or gotten obscure. In fact, there is not even a dent in its popularity except...
Principles Of UX

Principles Of UX

What are the basic components of user experience? What do you get if you break it down? Understanding the user behavior and translating it into design, Isn’t it? It can’t be that easy as UX is not just blending colours and layouts based on some random...
Importance of Logo for Your Business

Importance of Logo for Your Business

The instant image that comes to our mind when we think of McDonald’s is not the iconic big Mac burger but the golden M-shaped arch. Have you ever contemplated on why is that when a burger is loved so much all around the world, it doesn’t come to our mind when we think...
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