Accounting System

Accounting Software

User Role : Admin, Billing Admin , HR Admin, Account Admin.

The accounting platform was created for management accounting as a CEO’s or CXO’s dashboard to give insight into the company cash flow, sales realization and expense over spend if any. It gives very interesting dashboards for sales, accounts, profitability etc. The modules include

Accounting Software Module:


  • Account Tree
  • Ledgers
  • Vendors
  • Bills
  • Salary Register
  • Budget


  • Clients
  • Invoice
  • Estimates
  • Packages
  • Services
  • Brands


  • Invoice Reports
  • Sales Reports
  • Expense Reports


  • Tax Settings
  • General Settings
  • Currency Settings
  • Modules
  • User Group


  • Staffs
  • Staff Salaries

Explore Module Features

Accounts Module Untitled-1_03

Cash Flow Dashboard is a management dashboard that shows Total revenue Vs Expenses month wise, overdue bills, current month sales info, current cash flow status such as cash in hand, bank balance, accounts receivable and payable.

Features of Accounts Module


Opens ledger entries or journal as tabs, where multiple tabs can be opened at the same time. It has an inline add option at the bottom of the ledger, and also allows inline editing of the ledger. The ledger entry follows double accounting standards and will reflect the debit/credit in both the accounts.

  • Displays the balance sheets for different accounts.
  • CSV export of the currently active tab(account balance sheet).
  • View the details of the transactions.
  • Delete the transaction.
Account Tree

Accounts Tree is the accountants dashboard that shows a hierarchical listing of accounts on the left side, where various accounts categories can be created, edited or deleted. Default view shows the opening and closing balance for the account, whereas on clicking the account name it opens the ledger for the same.

  • We can set up accounts tree and add sub accounts to these parent accounts.
  • Lists balance amount in different accounts.
  • Account Types : We can add different account types like liability, equity, assets, revenues, expenses.
  • Golden Rule : Lists the golden rule for accounting.

Vendors Management used for managing vendors, maintaining contact info and agreement copies of vendors including their profile pics.

  • Manage Vendors : Lists all the vendors details like vendors company name,account name,open bills to the vendors,closed bills,balance of the vendor.
  • Add Vendors : adding Vendors descriptions.
  • Edit Vendors : editing vendors details.
  • View Vendors : Viewing vendors details.

Bills Management where bills can be added, Open/Closed/Overdue bills can be tracked. It also has the option to add alert /reminders for bill payment and managing recurring bills that can be paid monthly/quarterly/yearly etc.

  • Manage Bills : List all the bills added to the system categorized under Open, Closed, Over Due, Reconcile Cheques.
  • Add Bill : Record the bills generated against the organization into the system.
  • Edit Bill : Wrong bill entries can be edited.
  • View Bills : Bills descriptions can be viewed.
  • Pay Bills : Payment of the bills can be recorded here to close the bills.
  • Export to CSV : Bills list can be exported to csv.
Salary Register
  • Generate Employee Salary : Creates employees salary based on the employee break ups.
  • Edit Salary Register : Updating employee salary structure.
  • Add A Note : User can add a note with respect to employee salary.
  • Delete : Deleting the record.
  • Process Salary : Once the salary is processed by accountant,list of all the employees salary with respect to mode of payment lists here.Admin approves salary processing after verifying.
  • Salary Statement : List all the approved employee with there salary details and transfer details.

Budget Control & Reports gives the to set annual budget or for a duration per account head. You can define budgets and set amounts to each accounts category. The page also allows inline editing of budget if the required privilege is there.

  • Add Budget : User can add a budget for different categories.
  • Add Categories : Categories can be added.
  • Edit Categories : amount assigned to categories can be update.

Invoicing and Billing Module Untitled-1_04

Billing Dashboard is a comprehensive dashboard that shows details like aging invoices, accounts receivable, net sales for the year and month and accounts receivable. It also shows graphical trends for the total month wise sales for the year, brand wise revenue contribution etc.

Features of Invoices Module

Multi-Currency Support

Multi-Currency Support – The platform supports multi-currency support where fixed or spot conversion rates can be applied for invoicing and can be pre-configured. The admin users of the platform can define the default accounting currency and the default billing currency.

Client Management
Client Management where clients can be added under brands, and their billing currency configured. View Client also gives billing invoice history, estimates sent to client and mail history for any notifications sent out from system.

  • Add Client : A customer can be added to the system.
  • Edit Client : Update clients information.
  • View Client : View clients informations.
  • Delete Client : Deleting Client from system.
  • Inactive Client : List all the clients which are inactive in the system.
  • Manage Client :Lists all the active clients in the system.

Recurring Invoices – Recurring Invoices can be set to auto-generate and there are configuration options to generate them weekly , monthly or yearly at any frequency based on a validity period.

  • Add Invoice : Record invoices for the sales by the organisation.
  • Edit Invoice : Updating invoice data in the syatem.
  • View Invoice : Viewing invoice details.
  • Manage Invoices : List all the open and overdue invoices in last 3 months.
  • Log Invoice Payment : Logging payments for the invoices.
  • Download : Download an invoice copy.
  • Sent Reminder : A mail to client reminding him of the payment and invoice.
  • Clone Invoice : generates a copy of invoice.
  • Convert To Recurring : An invoice can be changed to a recurring invoice and set up the recurrence details.
  • Export to csv : Invoice details can be exported to csv.

Estimates can be created which has the capability to pull pre-existing packages, services or units and auto population of the rates for these. Estimates also has multi-currency support depending on the customer. Estimates can also be viewed, edited and converted to an invoice.

  • Add Estimates : Adding a estimate.
  • Edit Estimates : updating estimates.
  • View Estimates : Viewing estimates details.
  • Delete Estimates : Deleting estimates.
  • Convert To Invoice : Converting Estimates to invoices.
  • Download Estimates : Downloading a copy of estimates.
  • Send Mail : Send mail to client with a copy of estimates attached.
  • Add Packages : Add billing units and services to create a package.
  • Edit Packages : Updating a package.
  • View Package : Viewing package details.
  • Delete Package : Making a package inactive in the system.
  • Inactive Packages : List all the inactive packages that can be changed to active.
  • Manage Packages : List all the active package.

Service Plans, Itemized Billing – For each brand the system allows you to create packages, service plans and billing units and set the price matrix for each. It’s a highly user friendly UI that seamlessly allows complete customization of this.

  • Add Service : Combine billing units to create a service.
  • Edit Service : Update Service Description.
  • View Service :Viewing service details.
  • Delete Service : Make a service inactive.
  • Inactive Services : List all the inactive services.
  • Manage Services : List all active services.
  • Billing Units : add,edit,view and manage billing units.
Brand wise Sales Management – Billing, invoicing, service plans, clients are all linked to brands allowing the system to keep track of brand wise sales, and profitability.

  • Add Brand : Adding a brand to the company.
  • Edit Brand : Updating brand informations.
  • View Brand : Viewing brand informations.
  • Delete Brand : Deleting brand.
  • Company : Adding Users organization details.

Reports Module Untitled-1_05

This section includes reports related to brand wise invoice trends, brand wise revenue contribution and total expense per employee.

Features of Reports Module

Invoice Reports
Shows brand wise invoice trends, estimate graphs, net sales by each brand .

  • Invoice Statistics : Pie chart displays the statistics of invoices paid on time,late and late by a month.
  • Estimate Graph : Graphical representation of the comparison of number of estimates and invoices in a month.
  • Net Sales by each Brand : Brandwise representation of data of invoices and estimates in different months of the year.
Sales Reports
Brand wise Revenue Contribution, Net Sales

  • Brandwise Revenue : Pie chart displays the brandwise revenue generated.
  • Net Sales : Graphical representation of data comparing sales in current and previous year.
  • Brandwise Net Revenue : Numerical representation of brandwise revenue.
Expense Report
Total expenses per employee, month wise expense chart

  • Total Expense as per Nos. Of Employee : Graphical representation to show total expense with respect to nos. Of employee.
  • Expense for current month : Graphical representation of current month expenses.
  • Expense for current financial year : Graphical representation of current financial year expense.

Salary & Payroll Management Module Untitled-1_06

Staff Management allows managing staff details, employment info and the salary details with breakups etc. It has good search and filtering options to easily view data for a large organization.

Features of Salary & Payroll Module

Staff Salaries & Appraisal History – The software stores the salary details, salary breakups of employees along with the hike history for future reference. There’s also a salary log that shows the take home and net CTC of the employee over a period of time.

  • Add Staff : Adding staffs to the system.
  • Edit Staff : Updating staffs details.
  • Add login detail : Adding login details for the staffs.
  • View Staff : View staffs details.
  • Delete Staff : Making staffs inactive in the system.
Staff Salaries

Salary Register & Processing – is done by auto-generating salary register based on the salary information. Based on the breakups the salaries are generated and all that needs to be manually entered are specific allowances or deductions for that month, and the performance component for variable pay. Salary processing allows approving via bank transfer (for authorized bank accounts) or check payments. Any salary payments made goes into ledger under the default expense category.

Salary Statements are meant for management or accountants to track past salary processed, dates of processing and salary breakups for CTC

  • Salary Breakups : Lists all the salary component and values.
  • Add Salary component :We can add different salary components.
  • Edit Salary component :Update salary component value.
  • View Salary Component : Viewing value of different salary components.
  • Add Salary : Add salary to staffs.
  • Edit Salary : Update staffs salaries.
  • View Salary : Viewing staff salary details.
  • Add Hike : Add hike to staff salaries.
  • Salary Log : List staffs salary logs.

Settings Module Untitled-1_07

This section includes taxes and tax groups settings , various currencies with conversion rate and default currency can be set from here which will be applicable for entire application. Even the main ,sub modules ,user and user groups can be added.

Features of Settings Module

General Settings
Add general behavior of the system.

Example : Date format,Time format,financial year,email signature,cash balance,bank balance.

Tax Settings
Various types of taxes and tax groups can be manageable from this section.

  • Add Tax : Adds a tax into the system.
  • Add Tax Group :Adds a tax group to the system.
  • Edit Tax : Update tax values.
  • Edit Tax Group : Update tax group values.
  • View Tax : View tax details.
  • View Tax Group : View tax group details.
  • Delete Tax : Delete a tax from the system.
  • Delete Tax Group : Delete a tax group from the system.
Currency Settings
Various currencies with conversion rate can be manageable from here. User can also set default currency for billing.

  • Add Currency : Add a currency to the system.
  • Set Currency : Set a currency as billing currency.
  • Salary Settings : Adding Salary accounts
From this section user can add all the main modules and sub modules.

  • Add New Module : Adding new modules to the system.
  • Edit Module : Update module details.
  • View Module : Vies module details.
User Group
From this section user add user and user groups.

  • Add User Group : Add a user group and permissions to access module to users in that usergroup.
  • Edit User Group : Update user group and module permission.
Salary Settings
Admin can Manage Various types of salary accounts.

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