دراسة حالة

متطلبات العمل

The client required an education solution where education content can be imparted to schools on a technology platform in areas that have limited access to technology.
They needed to perform education content management harnessing the capabilities of IoT – in locations where, while dedicated team could access technology and internet, the final audience would be the students in rural areas where they would have limited or no access to technology and internet.

الحل المقدم

The proposed solution consisted of the applications below:

  • Web Application
  • Master Android Application
  • Raspberry Pi
  • Student Android Application

Case Study on Android IoT Application for Education

Web Application

In the structure depicted above, the organization and the division levels are handled by the cloud application.
Carmatec proposed to develop the back-end web application using LAMP framework. LAMP framework is built using Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP. Custom PHP platform with HTML as the front-end and MySQL as back-end. PHP is used to design any type of application and is scalable. It can be run on all major operating systems including Linux, UNIX, Mac OS and Windows as long as the backend server is on a LAMP

Master Android Application

Carmatec proposed to develop a “Master Android Application” which would be used by a cluster of organizations. Master App syncs only the content needed for that Cluster’s Curriculum and the Local Language. After the master app has collected information from the school’s pod, it also integrates all the transaction data back to the cloud.

Raspberry Pi Application

Carmatec proposed to develop “Raspberry Pi Application” which would be used by the pod of a school. The Raspberry Pi would be acting as the server in the school’s intranet networks. The schools would typically be in remote locations with little to no internet connectivity. The Master App would sync with the Raspberry Pi to push all educational content updates and pull all local school and student information.
Carmatec proposed to develop the back-end web application using LAMP/XAMPP framework. This LAMP/XAMPP framework is using Linux, Apache, MySQL and corePHP. Custom PHP platform with HTML as the front-end and MySQL as back-end. PHP is used to design any type of application and is scalable. It can be run on all major operating systems like Linux, UNIX, Mac OS and Windows as long as the backend server is on a LAMP

Student Android Application

Carmatec proposed to develop “Student Android Application” which would be used by student for learning lessons and evaluating themselves through quiz. The students could log in through the given credential. When the students would log in for the first time, they would be able to view and learn -lesson 1 of level 1 of program 1 which is unlocked by default. At the end of the lesson 1, there would be a quiz which the students would need to take and clear to move to lesson 2. And at the end of all lessons, there would be a quiz which the student would require to clear to move to the next level. Also, followed by these quizzes, there would be feedback and remedial lessons. At the end of every such quiz, there would be an option for the teacher to enter passcode which is sent to them on email while adding them to application. So, every time, a student would log in and log out, the application would synchronize all the student data from android application to Raspberry Pi. This application would also have a “Sync” option; which would help the user to synchronize the data (of the newly updated schools and courses) from Raspberry Pi to the student android application.

العميل – Educational institution, Australia
ساعات العمل المستهلكة – 2000+ hours

  • LAMP, CakePHP framework,CorePhp, Html/Css/JS.
  • Android Java,JSON Parser and XML

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