دراسة حالة

متطلبات العمل

Client is into integrated advertising platform via email and social networking sites which eases creation and management of advertising campaigns and real time campaign management

تعامل التطبيق مع ما يلي


  • Register your account, create your campaign, and start connecting with your customers ,
  • Create meaningful connections with potential customers,
  • Get real time information on knowhow, where and who view your ads,
  • Cost effective for all large or small businesses


  • Create an account and join the Client Community
  • Create a profile
  • Select which Charity community member would like to support.
  • Using community member profile application will send advertisements relevant to community member
  • Donate to Charity to when an advertisement is viewed.


Carmatec provided the end-to-end solution for the client’s requirement in the form of a highly scalable and responsive application.

العميل – Advertising Company, Australia
ساعات العمل المستهلكة - أكثر من 1500 ساعة

Integrated Advertising Platform Features

  • Real time campaign management
  • Highly interactive platform where the end-users can get live data of campaign
  • Highly Flexible and controllable campaign management
  • Online billing platform for the end-users
  • Rewarding the users who have viewed the advertisement sent
  • Ruby -2.0.0,Rails-‘4.0.3’,Html/Sass/JS/Twitter Bootsrap 3
  • Database : Postgres Sql
  • Gems : Devise, paperclips, aws-sdk ,omniauth-facebook,capistrano,passenger,sitemap_generator’,paperclip paypal-sdk-rest,sidekiq,whenever,espinita

تفاصيل العميل محمية بموجب اتفاقية عدم الإفصاح الصارمة، وبالتالي فإننا لا نفصح عن هذه المعلومات. ومع ذلك، يمكننا تقديم مراجع بمجرد إجراء استفسار.

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