If you are considering a redesign for your business website or you are in need of a completely new digital presence for your business from the scratch, the first question that comes to your mind is – from where to begin. On the other hand, the biggest question is how to keep pace with the latest website design trends prevailing in the market in your web design. This becomes all the more important because your business website is the most important online marketing tool that will represent your business to its customers for the longest imaginable period of time. In the ever-evolving technological landscape, websites are constantly stepping up in the ways they interact with the users. Moreover, backed by sophisticated analytical tools, the websites of this day and age, inform and empower their users more than any business has ever done. With the accessibility and easy adaptability of the new technology, there can simply not be a good enough excuse for having an inefficient website.

So, in this post, we would like to address these concerns with some wonderful tips to follow before you undertake the design/redesign project for your business website.

1) Adopt a ‘Mobile-First’ approach

With the increasing number of smartphone users, your website must not only adopt a ‘mobile-first’ approach but it should also consider the vast majority of users who are multi-device users who expect to have a consistent experience across these devices. While your website should have a strong mobile presence to be present where the target audience is, it should be able to perform exceptionally well in terms of speed too. This is one obviously important aspect of the website design that many businesses still seem to miss out on. However, we cannot underscore the importance of responsiveness of the design enough in the present-day web design.

2) Pay heed to your User-Journeys

One of the most important aspects of creating a UX-centric web design is creation of buyer personas, considering different contexts and based on these contexts, taking these different buyer personas through the different user journeys. This helps us develop a better understanding of their different desires and expectations when they come to the website. This equips us with the know-how for strategically placing the CTAs and the content by creating a clear content hierarchy to navigate the users ahead into the marketing funnel and achieve qualitative leads with high rate of leads conversion. It helps you understand your clients better. This is the approach that must be followed throughout the lifetime of your website to keep your website ready to work for you and your customers alike.

3) Have a bold outlook for your design

We agree that it is important to follow the industry trends since if a certain practice has worked for most of the businesses, it is likely to work for yours as well. However, with the expertise comes the boldness. The boldness to break the stereotype and follow the path less taken. Therefore, we advise you that if a certain style is not in trend but is perfectly suitable or even advantageous to your business model, you must be bold enough to opt for it without any fear. For true creativity comes when we break the shackles of thinking inside the box – and this box is mostly created by our own mental barriers. Without some experiment, it is not possible to be uniquely creative. So, here’s your chance to be a trend-setter rather than just to follow the industry trends.

4) Test, test, test

Once your design or redesign is accomplished and your website goes live, the most important next step is to get it tested by an adequately diverse audience who can go through all your user-journeys covering all the contexts possible and offer you detailed and genuine feedback on the kind of User Experience they witnessed. Also, they should be able to cover all possible devices to check the performance of your website on all these devices, noting down about the parts of your site which don’t seem to be working. This step is important because however good your website is designed, without ample testing, there can be some critical parts of your website which may not work and hinder your users from becoming your customers. So, to ensure good user experience and usability, testing is MUST.

5) And then, test some more!

Testing continually and analysing your website should, in fact, be incorporated as a routine part of the website maintenance as this will ensure the continued success of your website even with the passage of time. There’s a variety of tools available in the market these days to enable you to continuously test your website. When you launch the first version of your website, it is not the final version but just a first draft which needs continuous iteration and growth according to the response of your audience and the results in terms of traffic and conversion.

Having a marketing team well-equipped to employ these tools to make the most of your online presence is the key in this case. Need detailed guidance on how to implement these best practices for your website redesign? Carmatec holds years of experience in imparting website design and redesign services along with strategic consultation to its customers. Feel free to contact us and our experts will be happy to advise you about the approach to follow.

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