Anybody with even a slight knowledge of ‘content’ must have heard the adage “Content is King”. But this over-used, overtly cited phrase has never been more accurate than in this era. Touted as the content era, content marketing is of utmost important. With a right strategy, content can be made a lead generation machine. Read on to understand the four important steps that will help you generate more leads through content marketing.

Market Research

In-depth market analysis is required to take smart decisions. The first step is to conduct extensive market research and understand what your audiences like to read about. Understand the demography of your consumers, what age-group they belong to, etc. For instance, if you are a software development company, your audience could be entrepreneurs and people interested in developing their applications. Related content that would help them keep apprised of the technological industry may be the way to go. If you are into marketing, writing content related to digital marketing which helps a person understand how marketing works and writing about in-bound, outbound, social media marketing etc., may be a good idea. Pick topics in which you are comfortable writing and where you can offer expert tips and then ensure whatever you write is relevant and interesting.

Take Audience Interest in Account
Try to find out how your consumers would like to receive content and give it to them in that format. More often than not, people like to read short, scannable content which gives them enough information and are yet easy on time. Create a scan-able info with bullets and small paragraphs which helps audience to grasp information quickly. It is always good to create a ‘survey’ and find out how your customers like to receive content, instead of guessing. Some people may be interested in white-papers and case studies, and some in snippets of news. Find out how your customers like to get the content and then offer the content in that format.

Create Content that Offers ‘Value’
Time is probably the most important commodity and if you expect your audience to spend time reading your content, it must be worth it! Create interesting, entertaining and educating content that offer value to your customers. This is the most important content marketing strategy. No matter what else you do, if you are not offering ‘value’ to your customers, it would amount to nothing. The content that you create should be rich, actionable and valuable in a digestible format. There are a loads of different forms of content that you can create from blogs, article, infographics, case studies, white-papers, videos, webinars, reports, news and even memes. Learn what medium gels best with your customers and create content accordingly.

Different Types of Content for ‘Top, Middle and Bottom’ of a Sales Funnel
Understand where your customers are in your ‘sales funnel’ and then offer the content accordingly. If you are not sure what kind of content strategy, you should have for your sales funnel, check out our blog on sales funnel. You could also take help of ‘marketing automation’ to understand how ‘content’ could be used to generate leads. Learn about ‘marketing automation’.

Check out our other blogs on ‘content strategy’ to understand more on how you can create a successful ‘content strategy’ that will help you generate leads. At Carmatec, we can also help you create content for your customers. Have a look at this ‘case study’ to understand how we help our clients generate leads through ‘content’. Get in touch with us today, if you would like us to turn your content into a lead-generation machine!

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