The amount of buzz generated by the death hoax of email marketing will put any celebrity’s public relations agency to shame. However, contrary to the grapevine, email marketing is not dead or gotten obscure. In fact, there is not even a dent in its popularity except for some misconceptions.

Email has been a massive part of our everyday life and it has been how we share information and keep in touch especially with colleagues and businesses even with all the social media fad. With new generation of tablet and smartphones being launched every day, it gives us more occasions to use emails anywhere and at any time.

Especially when it comes to businesses, emails are a major part of your consumer identity. Even with a rise of social media, email marketing stays as an effective communication medium.  With an ability to deliver targeted content right into the customer’s inbox, email marketing is a good resource, your business shouldn’t ignore. However, many email campaigns end up directed to the spam folder of the consumer, you need experts who can help you harness the power of effective email strategy and generate sales. If you are looking to breathe new life into your email campaigns, here are some tips to ensure that your business is on track to harness the optimal results from email marketing.

  • Segment Your Contact List :

The first thing which you need to do is segment your contact list. Segmentation helps you split your consumers into sizeable groups with similar wants and needs. Emails targeted to specific customer groups with similar wants are more likely to have positive actions. With segmentation, you can send more relevant information to the target groups ensuring a better open and click rates. There are many ways to segment your email lists. You can segment your target groups by location, gender, age, previous purchases, and triggers from your e-commerce website based on similar actions like if they have aborted order in middle, by interests, geography, buying frequency, et al.

  • Use Relevant Data and Information :

Most successful email campaigns harness the trending topics and provide relevant data and information. If a consumer feels that he is getting relevant information, he is most likely to continue to allow you to communicate. Many email campaigns aim to interrupt and intrude. However, posts which help a consumer by providing relevant helpful and useful information are much more effective.

  • Optimize for Mobile and Tablet :

Always ensure that your emails are not too heavy and are optimized for mobile and tablet.

  • Make The Call to Action Stand Out :

Always keep a prominent ‘call to action’ button to ensure better conversion rates.

  • Cultivate Relationship :

Try to build a relationship with your customers through email marketing instead of making your email marketing efforts an advertising gimmick. An organization is as good as the client it has and no business can go far after losing its clients. The success of an organization depends largely on strong client relationship and building a relationship goes beyond the working on projects. You need to provide your customers values on a consistent basis and emailers are a great way of doing that.

  • Take the ‘You’ Approach :

Always keep your customers in mind when planning your emailers. Is your emailer ‘client centric’? Is your message going to helpful and useful to your client? Are you offering some kind of solution to your users? If more than one question has an affirmative answer, then you can go ahead and draft your emailers.

  • Personalize :

Wherever possible personalize your emailers. Various studies and surveys show that personalized emails have better rate of conversions.

  • Shower Offers :

Don’t let your emails consist only of your services and what you can provide. Try giving some offers, coupons etc. so that your customers can look forward to your emails instead of just reading them and moving on.

  • Take Permission :

Always take permission before sending emails. You may even lose your valued customers otherwise.


Email Marketing is an intrinsic part of your marketing efforts. Ensure that you are leveraging it to the maximum as it can be an excellent cost effective way to engage your customers.

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