وصف المشروع

A radical android application for an extensive view of all equipment of an individual office. A highly interactive and user friendly front end for synchronizing data in offline and online format. This mobile solutions aims to provide multi-edge mobile milestones to help our client stay at the forefront and increase their business value.


  • Login and authentication
  • List all equipment
  • View equipment details
  • View certificate listing
  • View image and PDF
  • Sync data
  • Filter by category
  • Searching equipment
  • View offline data
  • View synced data details

Technology Used

  • Ruby 2.1.3, Rails 3.2.13,

  • Ruby on Rails Gems used

  • “activeadmin”, “devise”, “cancancan”, “active_model_serializers”, “prawn”, “sidekiq”


This is deployed on high availability and secured cloud servers and technologically advanced than its competitors in market.

Duration of the project

2 months

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